Ángeles Marco

(Valencia, 1947 - 2008)

Pozo sin fondo


iron and rubber

150 x 126 x 106 cm

Inv. no. 2758

BBVA Collection Spain

The work of Ángeles Marco, who played a pioneering role, together with Miquel Navarro, in the renewal of sculpture in the Valencian region, is constructivist and conceptual in style.

Behind the visual impact of her works lies a hidden narrative discourse rich in existential metaphors, which she manages to create through the forms and materials she uses.

Pozo sin fondo (Bottomless Well) is part of the series Salto al vacío (A Leap in the Dark), which she developed between 1986 and 1989. Comprising two elements, a metal piece in the shape of a tripod and a rubber cone hanging from it, this well is a metaphor for the feeling of emptiness and instability she seeks to arouse. It is a structure rather like a measuring instrument or a piece of abandoned industrial prospecting equipment, and it interacts with the space in which it stands, appealing to feelings that go beyond the purely sculptural.