Eusebio Sempere

(Onil, Alicante, 1923 – 1985)

Estructuras superpuestas

middle 20th Century

welded iron bars painted with acrylic

210 x 585 cm

Inv. no. E00153

BBVA Collection Spain

Eusebio Sempere was one of the main practitioners of
and Op and Kinetic art in Spain. His uniquely beautiful work is the outcome of a continual striving towards geometric simplification, movement and optical illusion.

Sempere worked across a whole range of media including drawing, watercolour, oil painting,
, silk-screen and lithography, as well as sculpture, which he used to explore his ongoing research into light, movement and geometry of volumes in three dimensions.

When transformed into matter, the fine, accurate lines we see in his painting and printmaking seem to gravitate, apparently weightless, in the air.

The geometric form is simplified to the utmost: a number of cylindrical or quadrangular rods arranged in parallel (as in the case of this Estructuras superpuestas) or perpendicularly are connected along a central axis that allows them to move independently. The simplicity and the effectiveness of the structure open up infinite variations in terms of form, the light it irradiates and the movement, which changes depending on the position of the spectator and produces a