With a view to complying with the provisions contained under Article 10 of Spanish Law 34/2002, dated July 11, on Information Society Services and E-Commerce, BANCO BILBAO VIZCAYA ARGENTARIA, S.A. (hereinafter referred to as BBVA) provides the users (hereinafter referred to as the User/s) of the website “BBVA COLLECTION” (hereinafter referred to astheWebsite), the following general information:
Tax Identification Number (C.I.F.): A- 48265169
Registered office: Plaza de San Nicolás, 48005, Bilbao
Registered company data: Register of Companies of Vizcaya, Volume 2083, Book 1545, Section 3rd, Document 1, Page 14741.
In case of queries, Users should contact BBVA through the following e-mail address: coleccionbbva.es@bbva.com
By accessing and registering in this website, the User accepts all the terms and conditions set out here.
BBVA is the holder of this Website and all the functions contained in it that allow:
a) Access to a wide variety of artworks from the BBVA Collection (hereinafter referred to astheArtworks) through pictures and related information;
b) Access to information about the authors of Artworks;
c) Virtual tours related to said Artworks.
The use of this Website content shall abide by these Conditions of Use. Simply by accessing this Website, it is understood that these conditions are fully accepted by the User.
The information featured on the Website is intended for information purposes only and does not entail recommendations in any way. Under no circumstances should such information be considered as technical, legal, fiscal, financial or investment advice, neither as an offer or guarantee by BBVA; and shall not be interpreted as a recommendation for carrying out transactions nor serve as a solid base in any decision-making in a specific direction; with BBVA disclaiming any responsibility that may be shown to have been made of the same accordingly. It is specifically to be understood that said information, governed by current Spanish laws, is not aimed at those Users who proceed under other jurisdictions from countries that demand compliance with other requirements for the provision, disclosure or dissemination of information.
The information provided in the Website by BBVA cannot be considered as a technical opinion of BBVA.
BBVA does not necessarily agree with the information featured on the Website and shall not be held responsible for the fulfilment of the User’s expectations for the information contained thereof and for the truthfulness, accurateness and sufficiency of said information. BBVA shall not be responsible for any loss, whether direct or indirectly, which may result from the content of the Website, nor does it undertake any commitment to communicate any changes or to modify the content thereof.
The User is bound to make good use of the Website, such good use being understood as that which is in accordance with the legislation currently in force, good faith and public order, and shall be held responsible before BBVA and/or third parties for any damages that may be caused as a result of a breach of said liability.
Under no circumstances shall BBVA be held responsible for any loss or damage of whatsoever nature that may arise through access to and use of the Website, including, but not limited to, those arising in computer systems or those caused by the presence of viruses and/or computer attacks. Neither shall BBVA be liable for damages caused to users through the improper use of this Website and, under no circumstances, through computer crashes and interruption, absence or failure of telecommunications.
BBVA reserves the right to update, modify or remove the information held on this Website, even being entitled to limit or withdraw Users the access to said information without prior notice. BBVA especially reserves the right to remove, restrict or withdraw access to its Website whenever technical difficulties arise through events or circumstances beyond the control of BBVA which, in its opinion, compromise or remove the standard levels of security adopted for the proper operation of said Website.
BBVA may not be held responsible for the truthfulness, integrity or validity of the information that it has not generated itself and which is specified as pertaining to another source, whereby BBVA accepts no responsibility whatsoever regarding possible damages that may occur through the use of said information.
Access to the Website by the Users is free of charge.
Access to this Website does not grant Users any right or ownership whatsoever over the intellectual and/or industrial property rights protecting the content provided by this Website.
The entire contents of this Website is protected by the laws regulating intellectual and industrial property including, but not limited to, images, texts, audio files and other audiovisual content, as well as its structure and layout, and the computer software necessary for its operation, access and use, and are intellectual property owned by BBVA, except for those images expressly indicated under the Copyright section, which are considered as intellectual property of the authors of the artworks they refer to.
The total or partial distribution, reproduction and copy, outside the scope of the Website, of the contents thereof are expressly forbidden, regardless of the purpose or the medium used.
Access to the Website does not grant its Users any right or ownership over the intellectual and industrial property rights of the contents held by this Website. BBVA reserves the right to take the corresponding legal actions against those Users who violate or infringe intellectual and industrial property rights.
For more information, visit our Cookie Policy.
For any dispute that may arise from this Website or any disagreement whatsoever about the Website between the User and BBVA, the parties shall abide by the Spanish legislation, with the Courts of the city of Madrid (Spain) being competent for the settlement of such dispute that may derive from or be related with the use of this Website.