Eusebio Sempere

(Onil, Alicante, 1923 – 1985)



gouache on black cardboard

64.5 x 49.5 cm

Inv. no. P00874

BBVA Collection Spain

In his ongoing quest for an individual style, with the passing of time Eusebio Sempere moved from abstraction to a geometric simplification, always after a dynamic energy and movement in his works as well as volume and a three-dimensional effect. Initially starting out from
, he shifted towards
. He was also a member of the Parpalló group.

Sempere’s whole practice revolves around the line, which he uses to create spectacular effects and geometric volumes that seem to levitate in space. Through colour and line, generally drawn in parallel, he manages to introduce a sense of volume and movement in his works, producing a

In 1953 the artist began to create an extensive series of gouaches on black cardboard, to which this piece from 1965 belongs. Starting out with very simple geometric forms they grew more complex from 1959 onwards. In them, he used light colours vibrating against a black background to create geometric and abstract landscapes where light and colour acquire the greatest import.

Horizontes was acquired at Galería Juana Mordó. Its subtle weft of meticulously drawn horizontal lines in warm tones creates a landscape suffused with the light of sunset.