Juan Genovés

(Valencia, 1930 - Madrid, 2020)



oil on canvas

100 x 73.2 cm

Inv. no. 899

BBVA Collection Spain

This painting is a very representative example of the achievements of those artistic movements that fluctuate between the figurative and the abstract. In a formal idiom inspired by gestural
, the artist comes close in this work to a conventional Madonna and child.

Genovés is a Spanish painter and graphic artist who started out working within the ambit of Informalismo and matter painting. His firm conviction of the need for his art to be transformative and committed to its milieu led him to join groups such as Los Siete (1949),
(1956) and
(1960), and it was in the last of these that he became open to a figurative approach as opposed to the prevailing trend of

This work, which is indebted to
, presents an image of motherhood as a religious icon and reflects the artist’s interest in trying to show the mystery underlying the representation of reality. From beneath the paint covering the surface of the canvas there emerges an image, a mere trace, of a sacred archetype.