Eliseu Meifrèn

(Barcelona, 1859 – 1940)

Interior de cuina de masía catalana


oil on canvas

59.5 x 80 cm

Inv. no. CX00015

BBVA Collection Spain

Meifrèn is an obvious exponent of the symbiosis of tradition and modernism —tradition in terms of his style of painting, and also his tireless depiction of landscapes, almost as if it were handcrafted reproduction; and modernism because of his connection with the avant-garde artists and movements of his time.

Thanks to several trips to Paris, he was acquainted first hand with the beginnings of the Impressionist movement, which initially did not interest him much. However, little by little, he became less committed with Naturalism and evolved towards a more luminous painting which eschewed nostalgic atmospheres. That was the reason why he is widely considered as one of the pioneers of Impressionism in Spain.

This work is particularly significant within Meifrèn’s output as a whole. Here he leaves aside the landscape genre that ensured him a stable clientele and instead opts for a motif removed from the thematic conformism he was comfortable with. In turn, one can also observe somewhat different stylistic features yet still rendered with the painter’s usual expressiveness and technical dexterity. Worth underlining is the wealth of colour enhanced by the Mediterranean light, which contrasts with the intimate nature of the space, thus imbuing the piece with a certain symbolist charge.