Fernando Álvarez de Sotomayor y Zaragoza

(El Ferrol, La Coruña, 1875 – Madrid, 1960)

Procession in Malpica (La Coruña)


oil on canvas

100.60 x 141 cm

Inv. no. P00739

BBVA Collection Spain

Painted in the 1940s, it is a larger copy of another piece with a very similar composition, where the positions of the two sailors in the foreground are switched.

The contrast between the dark tones of the fishermen’s clothes and the blues, whites, and pinks of the sea, and with the greens and oranges of the background, fill the composition with an exceptional brightness and vitality. The serious and reserved air of the figures may be a reminder to us of the dangers that they are exposed to on a daily basis on account of their occupation, which are quite far from the peacefulness evoked by the splendid summer day.

The scene represents the procession of Our Lady of Carmen, patron saint of sailors and fishermen, which is held in Malpica on July 16th. The procession is climbing up the hill, with the figures at the front cut at the waist, a compositional device often used by the artist. In the back is the village Malpica de Bergantiños, on the Atlantic coast of La Coruña, with the hill of Atalaia sitting behind.

The figure that appears in the background is a man from Sergude—a town where the painter spent the summer—called Vitureira, while the man leading the procession is a sailor from Malpica—known as Cachaciño—whom the artist held in great esteem for his courage, and who was represented in four of the artist’s works, along with his pipe in two of them.